Professional Engineering Continuing Education...Made Easy! Made Fast!

Engineering Professional Development Hours (PDH) Completed Quickly and Easily with our Online Courses
Finish your Engineering License Renewal Quickly and Efficiently...
Multiple Courses Formats to choose from
Live Online Instruction
Approved for NY, WI, IA, OH, NE or any other state
- Attend via PC, tablet, phone
- Offered daily and Saturdays
Just for Ohio Licensees
Satisfies Timed Course Requirement
- Available in both Online and Video formats
- Satisfies Ohio R.C. 4733.151
…Three ways to Save Time & Money on Engineering PDH Courses
Unlimited Access
Save a bundle! Full access no discretion – for the engineer who desires full freedom and maybe even a lot of hours. Our ultimate deal with the most savings!
Package Deals
Complete Course Packages for as little as $3/hr. Our best creation ever, ideal for engineers who want it done fast. No guess work! No questions asked!
Build your Own
The more hours you add to your cart, the bigger the discount! 8 hrs: $5/hr…15 hrs: $4/hr 24 hrs: $3.5/hr…30 hrs: $3/hr <i>(Discounts applied automatically at checkout.)
State Approved Continuing education Provider for Professional Engineers

Approved Provider/Sponsor of engineering continuing education courses in all States requiring continuing professional competency development.
Our Success Speaks for itself…

Thanks, the Courses are fantastic and I'll continue to use this great site!
Paul A. Miller, PE
Most of all, thanks for offering a cost effective solution to those new continuing education requirement (as if performing engineering work day-in day-out is not adequate continuing education) Your efforts are really really appreciated!!!
Dan Meszeler, PE
Without you guys I was actually considering letting my license lapse, but then I would have had to drop the word "engineering" from my business name. I guess everyone wants control of everything nowadays. Anyway your company has earned my gratitude!
Michael Gordon, PE
Thank you very much for your services and customer support promptness! I will continue to support you as your material is quality, the site is easy to use, and obviously you have great customer support. I hope that your new company continues to flourish with offering these quality courses at such a very reasonable cost.
Ken Gould, PE Real Time Communications World
Professional Staff and Support
Help? Questions? Concerns?
24/7 Email Support* and 9 to 5 Mon-Fri Phone Support
*Plus connect to to any instructor anytime with direct email
Instructor: Mechanical
Seth Grablow, PE
Read More Contact Seth
Instructor: Civil
Raymond Bosek, PE
Read More Contact Ray
Instructor: Electrical
Juan C. Pesante, PE
Read More Contact Juan
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a PDH (engineering)?
This refers to professional development hours or PDH in engineering discipline for continued education practices. Typically, achieved with completing online courses in engineering, college level courses, activities in a professional organization, or other varied learning activities which enhance the knowledge of a State licensed professional engineer.
Do PE licenses expire?
Yes, PE professional engineer licenses expire either on a annual, biennial, or triennial basis. The licenses can be renewed prior to expiration once the license holder satifies all license renewal requirements, these typically are complete professional development hours as well as the required renewal fees.
How many PDH credits do you need for your PE license?
It depends on the state or states a Professional Engineer (PE) is licensed in. Its can be as little as 15 hours of PDH credits or up to 36 hours of PDH credits. Please reference our state requirements section for specific state details.
What is a PDH certificate?
A PDH or professional development hour certificate is the document awarded after a licensed professional engineer successfully completes a professional development activity. This certificate is used as a permanent record for verification the license successfully completed the activity and activity hours on a specific date.
What is the difference between PDH and CEU?
A PDH is a professional development hour and represents 1 hour of a learning activity. A CEU is a continuing education unit and represent 10 hours of a learning activity.
What can I do with continuing education credits?
The continuing education credits earned by a professional engineer (PE) are required in order to renew the license with the state the PE is licensed in.
Why choose for your Continuing Education?
When it comes to online PDH for Engineers, you have plenty of options. From college courses to patents to board membership meetings, all these activities qualify. However, for most professional engineers, many of these options barely fulfill their required thirty (30) hours required for license renewal. So that’s where online continuing education comes in. But when you go search the web and see what’s available, it’s over-priced what some of these online continuing education companies charge. As much as fifty dollars per hour is just simply too much to pay for continuing education. Here at, our motto is simple, offer the most inexpensive, efficient, and approved courses to professional engineers. After all, the course writers and instructors here at are all Licensed Professional Engineers. And what we say we mean, Built by Engineers for Engineers! We believe that online continuing education can be and should be affordable, and we achieve it. It’s rather quite simple really. We develop our own courses and we charge less than our competitors. We offer a variety of courses from the basic background of all engineering fields, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Structural, Environmental, Computer, and Chemical Engineering. We offer great general civil engineering courses, from pavement design to conduit and culvert design. For mechanical we offer the basic from thermodynamics to fundamental of metals. For Electrical, we start at basic DC theory to advanced A/C generation. Our courses are chosen and developed by the corresponding functional background by our professional engineer instructor. He chooses the course material, the quiz questions, and the overall length or number of hours the course when completed should fulfill. We then audit the course and verify not only technical and grammatical error but also the hours required to complete the reading and taking of the quiz result in the noted hours. Once the course has been verified we then post it on our webserver and perform functional testing with a known test group, and ensure overall compliance. We fix what errors need corrected, and post our course for access. Our PDH/CEU/CEP/CPD courses are accepted for professional engineer continuing education for PE license renewal in the following states: Alabama (AL), Alaska (AK), Arkansas (AR), Delaware (DE), Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Idaho (ID), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Kentucky (KY), Louisiana (LA), Maine (ME), Maryland (MD), Michigan (MI), Minnesota (MN), Mississippi (MS), Missouri (MI), Montana (MT), Nebraska (NE), Nevada (NV), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), New Mexico (NM), New York (NY), North Carolina (NC), North Dakota (ND), Ohio (OH), Oklahoma (OK), Oregon (OR), Pennsylvania (PA), South Carolina (SC), South Dakota (SD), Tennessee (TN), Texas (TX), Utah (UT), Vermont (VT), Virginia (VA), West Virginia (WV), Wisconsin (WI), and Wyoming (WY).
The following states do not have CEP requirements: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Washington.
We also offer Contractor Courses, please visit