Fundamentals of Pumps (Ohio Timed): 4 PDH


This online timed course satisfies Ohio R.C. section 4733.151
This online course provides an overview of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps, pump components, protection, and operational considerations. Pumps serve in a wide range of applications, from industrial uses such as pumping oil or natural gas, to consumer uses in vehicles or decorative fountains. Knowledge of the different designs of pumps can be used when selecting them for use in a system.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PE

This online course provides an overview of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps, pump components, protection, and operational considerations. Pumps serve in a wide range of applications, from industrial uses such as pumping oil or natural gas, to consumer uses in vehicles or decorative fountains. Knowledge of the different designs of pumps can be used when selecting them for use in a system.


This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Centrifugal Pump Design and Classification
  • Pump Operation and Protection
  • Cavitation Prevention
  • Positive Displacement Pump Design and Classification


You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a fifteen (15) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies four (4) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.

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