Heat Transfer: 4 PDH


The transfer of heat is an integral part of many industrial processes. Moreover, heat transfer affects our everyday lives – from an oven heating our dinner to the wind cooling us on a hot summer day. Thus, it is important that the engineer understands how to apply the basic principles of heat transfer to solve real-world problems.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PE

The transfer of heat is an integral part of many industrial processes. Moreover, heat transfer affects our everyday lives – from an oven heating our dinner to the wind cooling us on a hot summer day. Thus, it is important that the engineer understands how to apply the basic principles of heat transfer to solve real-world problems.


This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Heat transfer definitions and terminology, including heat flux, thermal conductivity, LMTD, and heat transfer coefficients
  • Conduction and the equivalent resistance formulas
  • Convection and use of the overall heat transfer coefficient
  • Radiant heat transfer, including black bodies, gray bodies and emissivity

    You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 4 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.

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