
Nevada-Mechanical Engineering Package: 30 PDH

Original price was: $180.00.Current price is: $90.00.

Six Mechanical Engineering courses plus Nevada Ethics and Statutes & Codes course that will earn 30 PDH guaranteed to be accepted by the Nevada Board of Licensure of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PE

Nevada – Ethics including NV Laws and Rules for Professional Engineers: 4 PDH

This course satisfies the Nevada continuing education requirement of two (2) professional development hours in professional ethics and one (1) professional development hour in provisions of NAC 625 & NRS 625, (ref. Nevada Administrative Code 625.40)
In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the Nevada State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Codes. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.

Systems Engineering Fundamentals Part 1: 5 PDH

Part one of a two-part course, this course provides a thorough overview of the systems engineering process and presents a in-depth review of the tools and processes to to develop a system efficiently and effectively and to support that system through its life cycle.

Systems Engineering Fundamentals Part 2: 5 PDH

Part two of a two-part course, this course provides a thorough overview of the systems engineering process and presents a in-depth review of the tools and processes to to develop a system efficiently and effectively and to support that system through its life cycle.

Improving Pumping System Performance: 4 PDH

This course provides a thorough overview of pumping systems and their components and practical guidelines to enhance performance and increase efficiency.

Improving Steam System Performance: 5 PDH

This course provides a thorough overview of steam systems and their components and practical guidelines to enhance performance and increase efficiency.

Improving Compressed Air System Performance: 4 PDH

This course provides a thorough overview of compressed air systems and their components and presents various methods and opportunities to enhance performance and increase efficiency.

Coating Types and Characteristics of Metals: 3 PDH

In this course the student will understand the characteristics and applications of various industrial coatings and metal finishes.

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