Strategies for Improving Sustainability of Asphalt Pavements: 3 PDH


In this course the student will understand sustainability throughout the entire pavement life cycle and the importance of recognizing context sensitivity and assessing trade-offs in developing sustainable solutions.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PE


This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • Explain selection, design, and production of asphalt materials for sustainability
  • Discuss sustainable strategies in asphalt pavement design and construction
  • Understand sustainable concepts on preservation/maintenance of asphalt pavements
  • Explain asphalt pavement end of life sustainable strategies


You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies three (3) hours of professional development (PDH).

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SKU: CV1430-24 Category:
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