
Wisconsin-Mechanical Engineering Package: 30 PDH

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $148.50.

This package satisfies all 30 required hours of professional development.

  1. 2 hours professional conduct and ethics, ref. Wisconsin Administrative Code A-E 13.03(1)(b)
  2. 13 hours of live interactive courses, ref. Wisconsin Administrative Code A-E 13.03(1)(c)
  3. 17 hours of distance education courses, ref. Wisconsin Administrative Code A-E 13.03(2)(b)
Nine live interactive webinars and four distance learning courses guaranteed to be accepted by the Wisconsin Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land SurveyorsInstructor: Raymond Bosek, PE
Package includes the following ten live interactive courses:
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Webinar: Design for Construction Safety: 1 PDH

This course will provide engineers with information on how to recognize and anticipate construction hazards and how to eliminate them with well thought out design features. This course emphasizes permanent design features that eliminate or reduce the risk to hazards.Read More

Webinar: Ethics for the Practicing Engineer: 1 PDH

In this introductory ethics course the engineer will understand why we study ethics as engineering professionals, ethical theories to use in our ethical decision making, and some tools to identify and resolve ethical conflicts.Read More

Webinar: Administering the Construction Project: 2.5 PDH

In this course we will review the management and administrative procedures that practitioners will need to guide construction projects from the pre-construction phase to project close out successfully. The course will benefit professional engineers serving as project managers or field representatives by presenting techniques that can be applied to the construction project to enhance operations, improve scheduling, mitigate issues, and help minimize and resolve claims or disputes.Read More

Webinar: Infrastructure Planning: 2 PDH

This course presents the main concepts of infrastructure planning in the public sector including the environmental, social, and institutional assessments and discusses many planning methodologies and approaches. The purpose of this course is to provide practitioners involved in planning public infrastructure projects with guidelines to be considered and applied in the planning process.Read More

Webinar: Introduction to Mechanical Components: 1.5 PDH

Along with pumps and valves, reviewed in separate PDH courses, there are many other components that can be found in an industrial/power generation setting. Knowledge of these systems can be useful to any engineer. This online course provides a brief overview of air compressors, hydraulics, boilers, cooling towers, and other components likely to be installed in an industrial or power generation facility.Read More

Webinar: Modern Heat Pumps: 1PDH

In this course the engineer will be introduced to modern heat pumps and their applications. This introductory course will enable the students to understand the basics of the latest heat pump technologies and how to apply to multiple applications.Read More

Webinar: Diesel Engine Fundamentals: 1.5 PDH

This course provides the engineer the basic understanding of the operation and design of Diesel Engines. The student will learn in depth, the diesel engine operation including an overview of all basic components as well as the different cycles and the operation of all essential systems of modern day diesel engines.Read More

Webinar: Storm Shelters & Safe Rooms: 1 PDH

This course presents engineers with important information about the design and construction of community and residential safe rooms that will provide protection during tornado and hurricane events. The course will center around design guides FEMA P-320, P-361, and ICC 500.Read More

Webinar: Fasteners: 1.5 PDH

This course presents an in-depth look at steel fasteners with focus on structural fasteners, since they are a critical part of most steel structures. A broad range of topics will be discussed including fastener strength, selection criteria, available coatings and testing. This course will go beyond the standards and specifications and provide engineers with helpful background information and practical strategies to mitigate fastener issues and keep projects trouble free.Read More

Package includes the following four distance education courses:

Ethics for Professional Engineers – Case Reviews: 2 PDH

In this course the student will study several ethical review cases conducted by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). This Ethics course is intended to fulfill the state’s ethics requirement.Read MorePreview Course

Boiler Basics-Operation and Maintenance: 5 PDH

In this course the student will understand steam generation, boilers and boiler components, and basic concepts in their operation and maintenance.Read MorePreview Course

Improving Motor and Drive System Performance: 5 PDH

This course provides a thorough overview of motor and drive systems and their components and presents various methods and opportunities to enhance performance and increase efficiency.Read MorePreview Course

Installation, Maintenance, and Repair of Water and Sewage Systems: 5 PDH

In this course the student will understand a facility’s water and sewage systems and associated common components as well as basic concepts in installing, maintaining, repairing and the operation and maintenance of these systems.Read MorePreview Course

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