Showing 201–220 of 652 results
Strategies for Improving Sustainability of Asphalt Pavements: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand sustainability throughout the entire pavement life cycle and the importance of recognizing context sensitivity and assessing trade-offs in developing sustainable solutions.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Explain selection, design, and production of asphalt materials for sustainability
- Discuss sustainable strategies in asphalt pavement design and construction
- Understand sustainable concepts on preservation/maintenance of asphalt pavements
- Explain asphalt pavement end of life sustainable strategies
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies three (3) hours of professional development (PDH).
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseStrategies for Improving Sustainability of Concrete Pavements: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand sustainability throughout the entire concrete pavement life cycle and the importance of recognizing context sensitivity and assessing trade-offs in developing sustainable solutions.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Explain selection, design, and production of asphalt materials for sustainability
- Discuss sustainable strategies in asphalt pavement design and construction
- Describe sustainable concepts on preservation/maintenance of asphalt pavements
- Explain asphalt pavement end of life sustainable strategies
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies three (3) hours of professional development (PDH).
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$18.00 Add to cartIn this online course a student will understand the essentials of stream hydraulics and the various formulas and calculations available to solve problems associated with streams.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understand channel cross-section parameters: flow depth, hydraulic depth, and hydraulic radius
- Discuss the dimensionless numbers
- Understand the continuity equation, Bernoulli equation and conservation of momentum equations
- Explain hydraulic calculations for uniform flow in a stream
- Explain the use of weirs for flow measurement
- Discuss channel routing procedures
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a fifteen (15) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies three (3) continuing education hour (CEH)/professional development hour (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizStress and Strain in Soils: 4 PDH
$24.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand the properties and mechanics of soils and accurately calculate the stresses and deformations of soil masses.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understand weight-volume relationships
- Discuss vertical and lateral stress distributions
- Discuss load deformation processes
- Explain strength of soils
- Understand calculating stress and strain
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 20 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies four (4) hours of professional development (PDH).
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseStructural Design Criteria For Structures Other Than Buildings: 2 PDH
$12.00 Add to cartThis two hour online course establishes structural design criteria for structures other than buildings, furnishes design guidance for various types of structures, and identifies special considerations with regard to certain materials in specific applications. Structures other than buildings which are covered in this course include the following: bridges; dock and harbor facilities; drainage structures; bulk material structures; water and wastewater structures; and mechanical, electrical, and communication structures.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEThis two hour online course establishes structural design criteria for structures other than buildings, furnishes design guidance for various types of structures, and identifies special considerations with regard to certain materials in specific applications. Structures other than buildings which are covered in this course include the following: bridges; dock and harbor facilities; drainage structures; bulk material structures; water and wastewater structures; and mechanical, electrical, and communication structures. The course materials are based entirely on the Technical Manual TM 5-809-6/AFM 88-3 of Joint Departments of the Army and Air Force USA: Structural Design Criteria for Structures Other Than Buildings.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Know the common building materials used in construction
- Types of structures used in transportation, water & electrical distribution
- Support requirements for mechanical systems and bulk materials
- Design criteria for various types of structures
- Identify special considerations with regard to certain materials in specific applications.
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 2 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizSustainable Concrete Pavements: 5 PDH
$30.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand concrete pavement sustainability concepts and recommended practices for maximizing the sustainability of concrete pavements.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Explain sustainability and how it applies to concrete pavements
- Discuss pavement sustainability concepts
- Describe concrete pavement design attributes enhancing sustainability
- Recite sustainable concrete pavement materials
- Recognize construction issues related to sustainability
- Identify concrete pavement renewal practices
- Discuss economic and environmental analyses of sustainable concrete pavements
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 20 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies five (5) hours of professional development (PDH).
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseSystems Engineering Fundamentals Part 1: 5 PDH
$30.00 Add to cartPart one of a two-part course, this course provides a thorough overview of the systems engineering process and presents a in-depth review of the tools and processes to to develop a system efficiently and effectively and to support that system through its life cycle. Instructor: Seth Grablow, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Explain systems engineering management
- Understand the systems engineering process
- Discuss requirement and functional analysis and allocation
- Discuss systems engineering and the verification process
- Explain the outputs of the systems engineering process
- Understand work breakdown structure and configuration management
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a twenty (20) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies five (5) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizSystems Engineering Fundamentals Part 2: 5 PDH
$30.00 Add to cartPart two of a two-part course, this course provides a thorough overview of the systems engineering process and presents a in-depth review of the tools and processes to to develop a system efficiently and effectively and to support that system through its life cycle. Instructor: Seth Grablow, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understand technical reviews and their roles in systems development
- Discuss applications of trade studies, modeling & simulation, and metrics
- Explain risk management and standards tools and concepts
- Discuss systems engineering planning
- Discuss product improvement strategies
- Explain organizing and integrating systems development
- Understand contractual and management considerations
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a twenty (20) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies five (5) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
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$36.00 Add to cartThis is an online course that gives detailed description of the electrical system blackout that happened August 14th, 2003. This was one of the largest blackouts in US history, that affected more than 150 million people. This course will cover the conditions prior to the start of the blackout sequence, conditions prior to the start of the blackout sequence, casual events leading to the power system cascade, and the cascading failure of the power system.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEThis is an online course that gives detailed description of the electrical system blackout that happened August 14th, 2003. This was one of the largest blackouts in US history, that affected more than 150 million people. This course will cover the conditions prior to the start of the blackout sequence, conditions prior to the start of the blackout sequence, casual events leading to the power system cascade, and the cascading failure of the power system.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Know what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to minimize future outages
- Learn about power system operations, the planning, design, protection and control
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 20 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 6 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizTennessee – Laws, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Tennessee State Board of Architectural and Engineering Laws, Rules & Policies, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEIn this course the student will study the Tennessee State Board of Architectural and Engineering Laws, Rules & Policies, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Tennessee's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizTexas – Laws, Rules, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Texas Board of Professional Engineers Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study the Texas Board of Professional Engineers Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Texas's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseThermodynamics: 8 PDH
$48.00 Add to cartThis course provides a detailed overview of Thermodynamics Principles and Practices including thermodynamic principles in practical industrial, commercial and residential applications. The student will comprehend, analyze and solve various types of practical thermodynamic problems through several case studies. Laws, equations, graphs, charts, tables and diagrams, pertaining to various thermodynamics concepts, are covered and utilized in the analysis and solution of the case study problems.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEThis course provides a detailed overview of Thermodynamics Principles and Practices including thermodynamic principles in practical industrial, commercial and residential applications. The student will comprehend, analyze and solve various types of practical thermodynamic problems through several case studies. Laws, equations, graphs, charts, tables and diagrams, pertaining to various thermodynamics concepts, are covered and utilized in the analysis and solution of the case study problems.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Energy concepts and extension/application of the law of conservation of energy
- Conversion of thermal energy to electricity through steam turbines and electric generators
- Understanding and application of Steam Tables
- Fundamental and essential concepts such as entropy, enthalpy, heat of fusion, heat of sublimation, latent and sensible heat
- Thermodynamic processes
- Heat engine cycles
- Pyschrometric analysis based on psychrometric chart
- Refrigeration cycle related numerical analysis utilizing Pressure –Enthalpy Charts
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 30 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 8 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizThin Concrete Overlays: 2 PDH
$12.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will gain an understanding of thin concrete overlays, from concept through design, for concrete, asphalt, and composite pavements. Additionally, the course is supplemented with a summary of four case studies to illustrate the range of applications for thin concrete overlays.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PETn this course the student will gain an understanding of thin concrete overlays, from concept through design, for concrete, asphalt, and composite pavements. Additionally, the course is supplemented with a summary of four case studies to illustrate the range of applications for thin concrete overlays.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Understanding of the different types of concrete overlays
- Discuss how to evaluate existing pavements for thin concrete overlays
- Explain design and design features of thin concrete overlays
- Explain construction of thin concrete overlays
- Discuss several case studies of and their results
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 10 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies two professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizUtah – Laws, Rules, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Utah Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Board Laws & Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the professional engineering student will study the Utah Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Board Laws & Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Utah's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseVermont – Laws, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Vermont Board of Professional Engineering Laws & Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study the Vermont Board of Professional Engineering Laws & Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Vermont's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick Preview Course to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizVirginia – Laws, Rules, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Virginia State APELSCIDLA Board Laws and Regulations, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEIn this course the student will study the Virginia State APELSCIDLA Board Laws and Regulations, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Virginia's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseWastewater Treatment Plants: 1 PDH
$6.00 Add to cartPackage plants are pre-manufactured wastewater treatment facilities typically used to treat flows between 0.01 and 0.25 MGD. This course provides information about three types of package plants, extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor and oxidation ditch systems. General configuration, typical applications for each, advantages and disadvantages, typical performance, and cost are covered.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEPackage plants are pre-manufactured wastewater treatment facilities typically used to treat flows between 0.01 and 0.25 MGD. This course provides information about three types of package plants, extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor and oxidation ditch systems. General configuration, typical applications for each, advantages and disadvantages, typical performance, and cost are covered.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- General configuration of extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor, and oxidation ditch package plants
- Typical applications for extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor, and oxidation ditch package plants
- Advantages and disadvantages of extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor, and oxidation ditch package plants
- Design criteria for extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor, and oxidation ditch package plants
- Typical performance and costs of extended aeration, sequencing batch reactor, and oxidation ditch package plants
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 10 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 1 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizWater Cooled Air Conditioning Systems Part 1: 2 PDH
$12.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand the requirements and best practices for the design, installation and commissioning of cooling tower systems of water cooled air conditioning systems.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Cooling Tower Types and Systems
- Construction and Installation Requirements
- Installation Locations
- Water and Bleed-Off Water Water Control
- Notices and Labels
- Risk Management
- Testing and Commissioning
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies two (2) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizWater Cooled Air Conditioning Systems Part 2: 2 PDH
$12.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand the requirements and best practices for the operation and maintenance of cooling tower systems of water cooled air conditioning systems.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Operation of Cooling Tower Systems
- Maintenance of Cooling Tower Systems
- Management of Cooling Tower Systems
- Decommissioning of Cooling Tower Systems
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies two (2) professional development hour (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizWater Cooled Air Conditioning Systems Part 3: 2 PDH
$12.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will understand water-cooled air conditioning systems and the guidelines for cooling tower design, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- Corrosion Inhibition
- Scale Inhibition
- Bacterial and Microbiological Control
- Water Treatment System Controls and Monitoring
- Occupational Saftey and Health
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 15 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies two (2) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
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