Wisconsin State Requirements


Professional Development Hours (PDH) Requirements

Wisconsin professional engineers are required to earn 30 CPC hours biennially. 17 of the required hours can be earned through our online continuing education courses. The remaining 13 of the required 30 hours can be earned through our live interaction webinars which will be released in June 2016.
EZ-pdh.com courses are accepted by the Wisconsin Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers and Land Surveyors. The following table shows a quick rundown of license renewal requirements.

Hours Required30 hours biennially
Renewal DatesJuly 31 of even number years
Course ApprovalThe Board does not require pre-approval for providers or specific courses. Each engineer must determine whether an activity meets the Board’s requirements
Course Content
  • Instruction in an organized method of learning contributing to the professional competency of the registrant and pertaining to matters which integrally relate to the practice of engineering; instructors must have specialized education, training, or experience and be considered qualified concerning the subject matter; fulfills pre-established learning goals; and attendance verification in the form of certificates of completion or other documents must be provided
  • A minimum of 2 PDH must be earned in the area of ethics. A minimum of 13 PDH must be earned in activities that permit live interaction between the engineer and instructor. EZ-pdh will be releasing webinars in the near future to fulfill these “live” course requirements
  • Online CoursesAccepted. For Professional Engineers, there is no limit on the number of PDHs that can be earned through online continuing education.
    PDH CarryoverA maximum of 15 CPC hours may be carried forward into the next renewal period
    Additional PDH completion records must be maintained for a minimum of 6 years. EZ-pdh helps you meet this requirement by providing you with the ability to instantly access and print a certificate upon successful completion of a course. Additionally, your certificates of completion are securely maintained by EZ-pdh for a minimum of seven years and can be accessed online at any time through your login account

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