Showing 21–40 of 48 results
Michigan – Ethics including MI Laws and Rules for Professional Engineers: 4 PDH
$24.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies the Michigan continuing education requirement of two (2) professional development hours in engineering ethics, (ref. Michigan Administrative Code R339.16040)In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Professional Engineer Rules and Codes. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEIn this course the student will study two ethics courses including the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Professional Engineer Rules and Codes. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Michigan’s rules and codes
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a thirty (30) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies four (4) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseMinnesota – Ethics, Statutes, and Rules for Professional Engineers: 4 PDH
$24.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies the 2 required hours of professional ethics, ref. Minnesota Statute 326.107(b)In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Interior Design Statutes and Rules. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study two ethics courses including the Minnesota Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Interior Design Statutes and Rules. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Minnesota's statutes and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizMississippi – Laws, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies the 1 required hour of professional ethics, ref. M.A.C Title 30, Part 901, Ch.23.1-3(d)In this course the student will study the Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules including Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEIn this course the student will study the Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules including Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Mississippi's laws and Rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseMissouri – Rules, Statutes, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects Rules and Statutes including Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEIn this course the student will study the Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects Rules and Statutes including Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Missouri's rules and statutes
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseMontana – Rules, Statutes, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Montana Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Rules & Statutes, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the professional engineering student will study the Montana Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors Rules & Statutes, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Montana's rules and statutes
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseNebraska – Laws, Rules, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects, Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEIn this course the professional engineering student will study the State of Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects Laws & Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Nebraska's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseNevada – Ethics including NV Laws and Rules for Professional Engineers: 4 PDH
$24.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies the Nevada continuing education requirement of two (2) professional development hours in professional ethics and one (1) professional development hours in provisions of NAC 625 & NRS 625, (ref. Nevada Administrative Code 625.40)In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the Nevada State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Codes. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Nevada's statutes and codes
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a thirty (30) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies four (4) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizNew Hampshire – Statutes, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers Statutes and Rules including Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEIn this course the student will study the New Hampshire Board of Professional Engineers Statutes and Rules including Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within New Hampshire's statutes and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizNew Jersey – Ethics, Statutes, and Regulations for Professional Engineers: 4 PDH
$24.00 Add to cartNew Jersey CPC Approved Provider 24GP00009900In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Regulations. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PE
This course satisfies the 2 required hours of professional practice ethics, ref. § 13:40-13.1In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the New Jersey State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Regulations. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course satisfies the 2 required hours of professional practice ethics, ref. § 13:40-13.1
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within New Jersey's statutes and regulations
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 30 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 4 professional development hours (PDH)/credits of continuing professional competency of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseNew Mexico – Ethics including NM Laws and Rules for Professional Engineers: 4 PDH
$24.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies the New Mexico continuing education requirement of two (2) professional development hours in engineering ethics, (ref. New Mexico Administrative Code Title subsection D)In this course the student will study two ethics courses including the New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors Laws and Rules. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study two ethics courses including the New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors Laws and Rules. A total of thirty (30) questions will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course satisfies the New Mexico continuing education requirement of two (2) professional development hours in engineering ethics, (ref. New Mexico Administrative Code Title subsection D).
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within New Mexico's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 30 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies four (4) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizNew York – Laws, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartNew York Approved Sponsor #166In this course the student will study the New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying Laws & Rules including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study the New York State Board for Engineering and Land Surveying Laws & Rules including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within New York's laws and rules
- New York's Education Law, Article 145
- New York's Rules of the Board of Regents
- New York's Education Law, Article 145
- New York's Regulations of the Commissioner, Part 68
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizNorth Carolina – Laws, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartNorth Carolina Approved Sponsor No:S-0650In this course the student will study the North Carolina State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study the North Carolina State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within North Carolina's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizNorth Dakota – Statutes, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Rules including Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEIn this course the student will study the North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Rules including Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within North Dakota's statutes and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick Preview Course to View Prior to PurchaseClick Add to Cart to Purchase and Access QuizOhio – Laws, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers & Surveyors: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies Ohio R.C. section 4733.151 as a CPD correspondence course. Ohio licensees are allowed up to three hours of correspondence courses per year.In this course the student will study the Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study the Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Ohio's laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseOhio – Laws, Rules, and Ethics (Ohio Timed): 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartThis course satisfies Ohio R.C. section 4733.15(C)(2) Two(2) Hours of Professional Ethics/Rules. This course satisfies Ohio R.C. section 4733.151 as a CPD online course. Ohio licensees may fulfill all of their hours with this type of course. Additional Ohio timed online courses may be found at Ohio Courses (also found above under Courses)In this course the student will study the Ohio State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering & Surveying Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PESPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Ohio’s laws and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a twenty-five (25) question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies three (3) professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseOklahoma – Statutes, Rules, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Rules including Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEIn this course the student will study the Oklahoma State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Statutes and Rules including Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Oklahoma's statutes and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseOregon – Statutes, Rules, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying Statutes and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEIn this course the student will study the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying Statutes and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within Oregon's statutes and rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick” Preview Course” to View Prior to PurchaseClick “Add to Cart” to Purchase and Access QuizPennsylvania – Rules, Regulations, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the Pennsylvania State Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists Laws, Rules, and Regulations including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Raymond Bosek, PEIn this course the student will study the Pennsylvania State Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists Laws, Rules, and Regulations including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within Pennsylvania's rules and regulations
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseSouth Carolina – Laws, Regulations, and Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the South Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Regulations, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Seth Grablow, PEIn this course the student will study the South Carolina State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Surveyors Laws and Regulations, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer’s guidelines for practicing within South Carolina’s laws and regulations
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchaseSouth Dakota – Laws, Rules, & Ethics for Professional Engineers: 3 PDH
$18.00 Add to cartIn this course the student will study the South Dakota Board of Technical Professions Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.Instructor: Juan Pesante, PEIn this course the student will study the South Dakota Board of Technical Professions Laws and Rules, including Professional Engineering Ethics. A Twenty-five question quiz will test his or her understanding of the subject.SPECIFIC KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL OBTAINED
This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
- The engineer's guidelines for practicing within South Dakota's laws and Rules
- The engineer’s duty to protect the public
- The engineer’s duty to make objective and truthful statements
- The engineer’s duty to limit practice to his or her field of competence
- The engineer’s duty to maintain client confidentiality
- The engineer’s responsibility to the profession
You will be able to immediately print a certificate of completion after passing a 25 question multiple-choice quiz. The quiz can be retaken unlimited times until a passing grade of 70% or better is earned. This course satisfies 3 professional development hours (PDH) of continuing education.
Preview CourseClick “Preview Course” to view prior to purchaseClick “Add to Cart” to purchase